1. Great piece today on OP: https://oilprice.com/Finance/the-Markets/Clean-Energy-Stocks-Outperform-Oil-And-Gas.html Clean energy stocks have been outperforming fossil fuels ... really a better bet for investors? I'll buy it. Oil and gas...

  2. Dyson looking to sink 2.7 billion pounds into three EVs is just the latest in a string of new entrants onto the market. They...

  3. An Oklahoma judge has slammed American Electric Power for basically trying to get the go-ahead for the Wind Catcher by cheating. She said they've...

  4. A record-breaking month of rooftop installations and a flood of large-scale solar farms could almost double Australia’s solar power capacity in a single year. A...

  5. Whirlpool machine can provide power dozens of homes. It can be installed at most rivers and canals. The turbine leaves fish and other water...

  6. European countries installed at least 8.61 GW of solar power systems in 2017. During this year, this market has recorded an increase of 28...

  7. Three Canadian companies that make solar panels are suing the Trump administration over the 30-percent tariffs the president imposed last month on their products. In...

  8. Some are planning to simply move their production to the US to avoid the tariffs. Then what?

  9. Solar industry, which employs 250,271 workers—more than fossil fuel industries like coal and natural gas combined —lost 9,800 jobs in 2017, according to a report published by the...

  10. Tesla's reporting tomorrow. Who's betting the results will be disappointing? Who's betting the market will still view the results like this:      

  11. Sounds like a sci-fi movie, Chinese drone maker EHANG has posted footage of the latest test flights of its EHANG 184 passenger-carrying all-electric autonomous...

  12. Sounds like a sci-fi movie, Chinese drone maker EHANG has posted footage of the latest test flights of its EHANG 184 passenger-carrying all-electric autonomous...

  13. Imperial College London researchers have found that the ozone layer is still not healing in certain areas of the world. Studies have shown clear signs...

  14. Another day, another study. Let's see how it goes. Germany can't pull the cart all the way alone, I'm guessing.

  15. Tesla bit back at Hong Kong yesterday after tax rebates were pulled in a move that really hurt Tesla and other EV makers. The...

  16. In reading about all the cities facing major water crisis, I'm wondering how far we REALLY are in the desalination tech game...it used to...

  17. EU member states that have already achieved their 2020 renewable energy targets:  Sweden Finland Denmark Estonia Croatia Lithuania Romania Bulgaria Italy Czech Republic Hungary

  18. The Washington Post reported that the White House will ask Congress next month for a 72 percent cut to research programs on clean energy...

  19. Trump wanted Chinese solar panels firms to make more of their products in the U.S. Obviously China got his message and now one of...

  20. First they came for the free plastic carrier bags. Now they have come for the woodburners and stoves. Households with wood or coal burning...

  21. California Governor Jerry Brown signed executive order planing to have 5 million zero-emission vehicles on the road by 2030. The new goal expands a previously...

  22. Few days after President Trump slapped a 30 percent tariff on foreign solar panels, Energy Secretary Rick Perry announced a $3 million grant competition to spur...

  23. Reports that Tesla is borrowing labor for vendors, skimping on quality, using hazardous batteries, and more. Tesla denies.   http://www.newsweek.com/tesla-model-3-delays-production-issues-and-hazardous-battery-reports-are-791653?piano_t=1    

  24. The renewable energy is challenged with finding ways to store it on days when there's no sun or wind. German technology company Sonnen is...

  25. This Chinese wind turbine maker was convicted for stealing trade secrets from AMSC, causing the Massachusetts based company to lose more than $800 million...

  26. How badly is the 30% import tariff on solar panels really going to hurt US solar companies? I know this is hitting out at...

  27. U.S. Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) urged President Donald Trump not to impose high tariffs on solar imports so as to preserve tens of...

  28. A 100-meter high air purification tower in Xian in Shaanxi province helped reduce smog levels in the city, bringing a noticeable improvement in air quality....

  29. The large-scale solar farm right next to the disaster site in Chernobyl is almost completed. Apparently, it's just the start of a renaissance for the...

  30. A Siemens report on the Middle East's energy prospects until 2035 says gas will be toe dominant power generation fuel. There are solar power...

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