1. As a UK citizen knowing my own country has rarely if ever been as polarized as it is today largely because of Brexit, I...

  2. I think I just heard a set of gloves hit the ice... For now, it's from the Leafs and Sens. Habs next? https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energotty-General/Ontario-Raises-US-Power-Prices-by-25-for-Three-States.html

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQHZ6N31h7g China has a hard road ahead, and many competitors. India now has a larger population which is growing.   

  4. Trump will capitulate on the trade war.  Why?  The key lies in who rescued Trump from his bankruptcies, who is the same person to...

  5. Now that Russia can't afford it's 'influencing' campaigns in the West anymore, they've abandoned OilPrice. The US Congress will have to pass a law...

  6. House and Senate lawmakers urged President Trump and his top trade officials to complete negotiations of an updated North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Several members of the Senate Finance...

  7. The European Commission says it wants to speed up the process of inclusion of six Balkan countries as members of the European Union: Albania,...

  8. Every day I find it astonishing that Yemen is of virtually no interest to anyone, including the markets. When one of these ballistic missiles...

  9. The Sierra Club is running a Facebook advertising campaign to oppose Kathleen Hartnett White, President Trump’s nominee for a top environmental policy position. The nation’s largest green...

  10. Привет товарищи[url=https://ukrjizn.com/]![/url] Если Вы ищите качественный источник информации о событиях Украины на каждый день, тогда Вы обратились правильно. Мы являемся ТОПовым(ой) онлайн СМИ в...

  11. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/08/oecd-reaches-deal-on-corporate-tax-after-ireland-agrees.html More details in this article: https://taxfoundation.org/global-tax-agreement What do you think of this? How will it affect energy corporations worldwide? Does it require congressional approval?

  12.                         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v15VA5G3UEk   RUSSIAN Ruble Collapse is Damaging Russian Economy as Import Costs Raise Inflation & Interest Rates                              

  13. Wait A Second! Merkel Did What? by Tyler Durden Monday, Jan 02, 2023 - 08:20 AM Authored by Natasha Wright, Even if Merkel had not been accomplice to...

  14. BRICS: the new architecture of the global majority for improvements on the planet The XVI BRICS Summit, held in Kazan under the chairmanship of Russian...

  15. This is a well-thought out article, IMO.  I had not thought about the full geopolitics of Uranium.  At least, nowhere near THIS deep! Let's hear...

  16. Given how much bandwidth was consumed on OilPrice at the start of the 'S.M.O.', I'm interested in seeing if any Russian trolls (excuse me, correspondents) are...

  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5iSmSbLa40 RUSSIA - Turkey & India Stop Buying Russian Oil as USA Increases Crackdown on Sanctions Summary and conclusion at 20:25 Russia has had to reduce production...

  18. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/china-birth-rates-plunge-12272023160425.html The linked article points out that China's statistics agency (briefly) reported 7.88 million births in 2023. This is down from (presumably) 9.5 million births...

  19.   Quote ...and replaced him with acting First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov, a 65-year-old economist who formerly served as economic development minster and who aligns...

  20. When one starts reading the OilPrice posted article, it becomes evident that bias and agenda are at play in the message of the article,...

  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqkoybUIl4Q Why Ukraine Won't Join NATO Even If it Wins the War

  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8YbBiq_2yo The Problems with Russia's Gasoline Crisis Run Deeper Than It Seems

  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRfEqzKx3HY Russia's Population Crisis                                                      

  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdmkGOFXPFc           vehicle if the brand disappears you alsowon't be able to sell the car                         1:24 / 19:08 EV Prices Plummet, China Dumps Excess Production Globally; US, Japan, Korea Escalate...

  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3TJ0Aez3PY&t=18s RUSSIAN Economy Devastated by 2 Years of Ukraine War as Costs & Sanctions Inflict Long Term Damage

  26. Russia could be already bancrupted and overhelmed by popular revolution but at the end of the day it seems EVERYBODY needs Putin and Russia so they...

  27. How to collapse China ? First of all you should ensure that all university cooperation in US and EU with China is breaked. This is...

  28. https://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/13560   OPINION: China Challenges Russia by Restoring Chinese Names of Cities on Their Border While proclaiming its support for Russia, is China capitalizing on Moscow’s weakness to...

  29. https://www.wsj.com/articles/putin-and-xis-bet-on-the-global-south-11657897521?page=1 IMHO South America and Central America have a long and good (though not perfect) history with America and Europe. The same would be true,...

  30. https://www.euractiv.com/section/central-asia/news/kazakhstan-tells-eu-we-can-supply-all-30-critical-raw-materials-you-need/ Kazakhstan tells EU: We can supply all 30 critical raw materials you need   By Georgi Gotev | EURACTIV.com × Georgi Gotev Senior Editor, Global Europe    Nov 18, 2022 From left to right: Al-Farabi...