1. As a UK citizen knowing my own country has rarely if ever been as polarized as it is today largely because of Brexit, I...

  2. Let's begin this exciting thread with His inauguration, shall we?  As the most popular President in the history of the United States, it promises...

  3. https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinas-largest-dam-on-the-brink-of-collapse-as-flooding-ravages-country-expert_3401097.html China and the U.S.A. both have a lot of problems right now. It would be better if they just got along and dealt correctly...

  4. Excellent overview. Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history ANALYSIS / OPINION: The new coronavirus is real. The response to the coronavirus is hyped.  And in time, this...

  5. First link here. In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task...

  6. Watching the news in Malaysia this morning I saw where the rioters in the US were pulling down the statues of Confederate veterans, defacing...

  7. Finally, some statistical analysis and charts of facts regarding death rates, listed by age and sex. This information generally aligns with what I have commented previously...

  8. well, well, the nordstream is 'resolved'. A series of coincidences?  The Bidet and Putin hold a summit. Within weeks, opposition to the Nordstream2 is...

  9. Trump will capitulate on the trade war.  Why?  The key lies in who rescued Trump from his bankruptcies, who is the same person to...

  10. https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinas-aggression-is-changing-the-nature-of-sovereignty_4118213.html and https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-and-the-solomon-islands-if-youre-not-there-youre-not-interested_4126547.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon_Islands#/media/File:Solomon_Islands_on_the_globe_(Oceania_centered).svg

  11. All they had to do was put a presidential seal on it to get Baby Trump to wear it?  

  12. Lacking the continuity of the other thread, let's observe how the Eejits attack and disrupt this thread. Make no mistake their agenda is not our agenda....

  13. “Specifically, hydroxychloroquine use with or without co-administration of azithromycin did not improve mortality or reduce the need for mechanical ventilation in hospitalized patients,” they...

  14. World looks on in horror as Trump flails over pandemic despite claims US leads way The president’s outlandish behavior as Americans suffer has inspired horror...

  15. The irony of the Mueller investigation that was demanded by Democrats because they thought it would show Trump colluded with Russia to win the...

  16. https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/04/29/delaying-herd-immunity-is-costing-lives/#.Xx8igwNtKGI.twitter Herd immunity arrives after a certain still unknown percentage of the population has acquired immunity. Through long-term sustainable social distancing and better hygiene, like...

  17. Question.... Looking at where the US is now after 4 years of Trump, and with a Trump win seeming more and more likely, what will the...

  18. The following was cut from REUTERS because it goes against the official narrative.  See this REUTERS ARCHIVE VERSION - https://archive.ph/7OlJU …Russia had been forced...

  19. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/01/25/as-markets-crash-and-war-fears-grow-russias-business-elite-suffers-in-silence-a76142 As Markets Crash and War Fears Grow, Russia’s Business Elite Suffers in Silence Some of the country’s most successful executives are preparing for heavy losses,...

  20. Saudi Arabia is really playing a devastating role against Iran.  Trump killed Iranian commander to escape from impeachment - what I believe.  But if Iran responds...

  21. Source: AP Photo/Ted S. Warren The last few weeks have provided plenty of support for the political positions traditionally espoused by conservatives. Some of the...

  22. Spanish newspaper El Pais published an article comparing the logarithmic growth of the covid-19 cases around the world.   Bold curve = number of cases Thin curve...

  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQHZ6N31h7g China has a hard road ahead, and many competitors. India now has a larger population which is growing.   

  24. This gives a brief overview on why we see different directions taking place across the world.  

  25. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/29/politics/coronavirus-deborah-birx-donald-trump-joe-biden/index.html Excerpt: (CNN)The hundreds of thousands of citizens whose deaths from Covid-19 could have been avoided are owed national and political accountability, but the polarization of...

  26. For all of 2020, the USA govt and media has very strong rhetoric against China, and has now implemented a wide array of sanctions....

  27. Americans favor Democrats to Republicans by double digits. Republicans suffered over a 10% decrease falling from 44% to 39% just since May.  Trump's Republican Party...

  28. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/07/us/politics/charles-cooper-trump-impeachment.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage Excerpt: One of Washington’s leading conservative constitutional lawyers publicly broke on Sunday with the main Republican argument against convicting former President Donald J. Trump in...

  29. I do not think China would do this, but I cannot imagine the better swift, tactical move. The maximum cost of this magnanimous decision would be...

  30. 1 minute hot microphone at yesterday's White House Press Briefing, regarding Covid-19. https://twitter.com/Goldstatetimes/status/1252390291018878979     ========================= [ My best efforts at transcription below: ]   "You can take off the mask...