1. The Kremlin on Wednesday condemned as unacceptable an alleged U.S. ultimatum to Turkey designed to force it to cancel a deal to buy Russian...

  2. Denmark said on Tuesday it suspected an Iranian intelligence service had tried to carry out a plot to assassinate an Iranian Arab opposition figure...

  3. https://news.sky.com/story/the-rise-of-china-how-70-years-of-the-prc-is-shaping-all-our-futures-11821722

  4. .  

  5. The EPA is currently considering whether it plans to implement changes to the current federal fuel standards. It has said it will determine whether...

  6. Prime  minister of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev said how  would like the negotiations (with Greece) to succeed . "We are ready for a geographical qualifier...

  7. Trump administration slaps sanctions on Saudis over Khashoggi's death Well, they didn't implicate the big Kahuna, but I guess it's something. The Trump administration on Thursday...

  8. Senior official from the U.S. Africa Command AFRICOM told local media that Islamic State (IS) in Libya may be planning an attack on the country’s...

  9. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3113444/coronavirus-italian-scientists-find-perfect-match-wuhan-strain Coronavirus: Italian scientists find perfect match of Wuhan strain in sample taken from boy.  Discovery made after researchers in Milan review blood tests taken...

  10. An assassination attempt, protests, Islamist militant groups, the works. And Azerbaijan is a pretty solid oil producer...

  11. Ten years ago, the Iranian rial was trading at 9,315 to the US dollar.  Today it is at 44,000 to the dollar on the...

  12. So Libya's got $20 billion in oil and gas projects for investment over the next three years, and is hoping to lure in foreign...

  13. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that the U.S. might apply pressure on Venezuela by restricting the sale of oil from the South American country. The US market is...

  14. Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked Saudi oil facillities using drones, causing fire. Although it was brought under control, the risk remains high for further...

  15. What does it mean for Rosneft that it's had to borrow record amounts on its domestic bond market this year to fund oil?   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Rosneft-Takes-On-Record-Debt-As-US-Sanctions-Weigh.html    

  16. It wasn't a surprise but what next for Mexico's oil industry? Last I heard Obrador had softened his stance on private investment in oil.

  17. With regards to a nation, who is the ultimate authority?  Government is supposed to be the ultimate authority.  However, government has been eroded by...

  18. I am growing increasingly skeptical of geopolitical analysts who are driving a narrative of "strategy" when it comes to North Korea's actions and specifically...

  19. German economy books record budget surplus of $45B in 2017. They are synonymous for export strength and industrial prowess. This result's coming in period...

  20. This country needs some "Profiles in Courage" .  The Deep State will cancel anyone who resists.  They will destroy your career.  Barr is close friends with Mueller for...

  21. Every day I find it astonishing that Yemen is of virtually no interest to anyone, including the markets. When one of these ballistic missiles...

  22. Current and previous news combined here for an overall picture that France is PISSED at Macron.  Electrical outages now, combined with earlier ire by French...

  23. Iran--or at least the spokesman of its nuclear energy agency--is apparently ready to respond in-kind if Trump decides to reimpose US sanctions on Tehran by...

  24. Iraq’s top court will begin hearings in May on the legality of oil exports from Kurdistan, which are at the center of a row...

  25.   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/03/opinion/joe-biden-tara-reade.html

  26. Insect-filled chocolates, rat hair noodles, and maggoty orange juice: The reality of a Brexit trade deal with Trump Well, Americans, what have you got to...

  27. Things hotting up in Libya over the last few months as Turkey and their 'Syrian' fighter backed GNA take the Al-Watiah airbase and destroy...

  28. https://news.yahoo.com/eu-cut-flow-funds-turkey-153120379.html

  29. How will the European Union be affected by its next election? https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/05/06/polls-populist-national-rally-takes-lead-macrons-party-ahead-eu-elections/