1. The U.S. military unveiled plans to withdraw about 12,000 troops from Germany, in fallout from President Donald Trump’s long-simmering feud with Berlin but said...

  2. This obvious conclusion after watching US media and top US politicians requires not much further comment. If US would critisize China strong enough it would solve...

  3. The People's Republic of China, which celebrated its 70th anniversary on October 1, is led by the Chinese Communist Party's General Secretary, President Xi Jinping. In his...

  4. Hi All, I would like to clarify something. In various posts recently I have read statements to the effect of ''Trump will not be...

  5. UPDATE  JULY13 : New York had ZERO CV19 Deaths yesterday.  Are Florida and Texas just 2 months behind the curve?  New York testing: Just 1.2%...

  6. Another excellent treatise on Current events that ties everything up neatly with a silver bow.  Quote At this point in the global hysteria — increasingly mixed with petty...

  7. EXECUTIVE ORDER #1 (1) Due to Coronavirus Apocalypse the Presidential election will be rescheduled until November 2021. EXECUTIVE ORDER # 2 (2) All Presidential Candidates shall successfully...

  8. Generally you go to war for a reason. So what's the reason? What is the US hoping to accomplish with further expenditures in the...

  9. Do you get the feeling digital id is being hyped by every government, corporation, financial institution and globalist-connected NGO as "the way of the...

  10. Trump suggested on that the United States would need to “delay the election,” claiming that mail-in voting would make the results “the most inaccurate...

  11. I screened Indian media in order to understand the recent India-China border clashes. And it was really strange what I found. There is no claim in...

  12. To set the stage, I do not have a medical background, I am an engineer.  Furthermore, I am just like everybody else as I to...

  13. Good read.  As I have been saying for months now, Trump has *already won* the trade war against China. This article explains quite well what is going...

  14. Italy is a week behind Iran in the epidemic cycle and has now locked down the entire country. The US and UK are a...

  15. It is my contention (the short version)… In order to install a new “governance”, the old system must be quietly and deceptively destroyed, where...

  16.                            .                              .

  17. An environmental activist apologizing for the fear-mongering. http://environmentalprogress.org/big-news/2020/6/29/on-behalf-of-environmentalists-i-apologize-for-the-climate-scare

  18. I invite readers to ponder the implications of the words of this esteemed economist, which are sobering: https://www.spiegel.de/international/business/nouriel-roubini-the-stock-market-is-deluding-itself-a-a9d3ab21-cfea-4220-8727-5b59105d0858?sara_ecid=nl_upd_1jtzCCtmxpVo9GAZr2b4X8GquyeAc9&nlid=bfjpqhxz While titled the stock market is deluding itself,"...

  19. https://www.theepochtimes.com/china-faces-economic-collapse-and-decoupling-from-world-markets-expert-says_3060481.html   CHINA China Faces Economic Collapse and Decoupling From World Markets, Expert Says  

  20. Good day everybody, I thought I'd save you all a little time here and if you wish you can focus the seemingly non stop national...

  21. According to an independent polling firm, 57% of Venezuelan say Maduro is their legitimate president, while US puppet Guaido only get 32% (11% didn't...

  22. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/putin-getting-russias-spending-and-economy-all-wrong-129877 Is Putin Getting Russia's Spending and Economy All Wrong? Putin is planning to help the poor which will also help him to maintain power. Can...

  23. The poll was taken last month, March 2020. "The poll of 1,000 Americans found unfavorable opinions of China are shared across party lines, with about...

  24. https://pjmedia.com/claudiarosett/glory-to-hong-kong/   Glory to Hong Kong: We of the Free World Must Stand with These Courageous Protesters   BY CLAUDIA ROSETT SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 CHAT 113 COMMENTS


  26. https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/item/35782-did-gov-destroy-economy-for-nothing-covid-may-be-less-deadly-than-flu-study-finds Thursday, 21 May 2020 Did our bureaucrats mislead President Trump? Fauci certainly got everything wrong from the start IMO. RCW Did Gov Destroy Economy for NOTHING?...

  27. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-president-coronavirus-plague-982150/ How Donald Trump failed at the single most important task of the Oval Office: keeping the American people safe from harm A very informative article...

  28. I sadly report that the situation in Venezuela continues to collapse into unreal despair and the country sinks ever farther into the abyss.  Two...

  29.                                                              ...

  30. Iran has stepped up activity at its underground Fordow nuclear plant, state TV said on Wednesday, a move France said showed for the first...